NM State University Innovators in Agriculture Camp

June 25 - July 25, 2020

This interactive program will introduce students (ages 15 - 18) to the technology and innovations that are currently being used for food production and environmental sustainability.

Virtual demonstrations, interactive exercises, and virtual tours will make up a big portion of the program. Students will be able to go through all the modules; select an area of most interest; and "pitch" a problem solving concept related to agriculture to a panel of judges. This will be a great opportunity to meet people from across the state and share ideas about how to feed the world with the help of technology!

Detailed Schedule Available Soon!

Friday, June 25 | Virtual Innovators in Agriculture Party
Party will kick off the program. Meet the experts and other participants in the program!

Saturday, July 25 | Show us your pitch!
Participants will have the opportunity to give a pitch or demonstration explaining your idea!

Building Innovators in Technology to Help Feed a Growing World

Registration is FREE to attend!
Deadline: June 20

Marcy Ward
Phone: 575-646-5947
Cell: 575-644-3379
Email: maward@nmsu.edu

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service, please contact Marcy Ward by 06/11/20 at maward@nmsu.edu or at 575-646-5947.

New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating.